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Continuous Gate-in following N4 Roll-out

Dear Valued Clients,

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to you!

As we move forward with the preparation to upgrade our TOS to N4, we are happy to share that we shall be rolling out Continuous Gate-in facility at the terminal. 

As we all know, currently trailers get turned back after reaching the terminal gate post cut-off due to various issues which causes further trailer detention and adds to the logistics cost of our exporters. In order to facilitate the ease of doing business, we shall be rolling out Continuous Gate – In facility.

Under this process any trailer with valid e-From 13 with due Customs approvals shall not be turned back even if it reports after the vessel cut-off. Instead the same shall be gated-in on the same VIA irrespective of a request from the  Vessel Operating Agent or shipping line, as is currently required. Containers arrived under continuous gate-in facility shall be stacked separately and 1 Shifting charge shall be levied on the same to the respective shipping line account, other than the existing applicable charges for Late gate-in.

The container shall be loaded on the vessel only after due confirmation from the shipping line post submission of applicable ASR.

This process shall be roll-out along with N4 Go-live. We shall keep you updated further on the N4 roll out plan.

Thanks and regards,

Avinash Kachroo
Assistant General Manager – Commercial



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