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DPD containers not evacuated and under finance hold

Dear Valued Clients, 

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai!

This is with reference to earlier advisory detailing implementation of JNCH PN 48 & 51 at the terminal, shared with you on 12th April 2020, and subsequently on 14th April 2020.

Evacuation of import cargo directly impacts continuity of terminal operations. In order to ensure that the terminal continues to offer essential services to the nation’s EXIM trade; it has been arranged by the port authority with CONCOR that all DPD containers not evacuated up to 48 hours of discharge and under finance hold at the terminal shall be nominated to ICD Mulund, being the ‘Extended Gate of JNPT’. CONCOR shall further deliver such containers from ICD Mulund only upon clearance of any outstanding with the terminal.

Request you to maintain positive PDA balance in your account with the terminal to avail release of your DPD containers from ICD Mulund.



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