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TAMP order - revised Scale of Rates

Dear Valued Clients,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai! 

Please be informed that Tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP) vide notification TAMP/47/2019-GTIPL, dated 27 February 2020; and their letter dated 4 March 2020 has intimated Gateway Terminals India Private Limited about the revised Scale of Rates.

The revised Scale of Rates will be applicable to all our customers with effect from 2nd April 2020 i.e. invoices with revised rates will be generated from this date. To enable due rate changes in the system, the invoicing shall remain suspended from 2nd April to 6th April 2020, following which all pending invoices with the revised rates shall be released.

Your attention is requested on Clause 58 of the Major Ports Trust Act, which reads as follows:


“Rates in respect of goods to be landed shall be payable immediately on the landing of the goods and rates in respect of goods to be removed from the premises of a Board, or to be shipped for export, or to be transhipped, shall be payable before the goods are so removed or shipped or transhipped.”


Thus to remain in compliance with the above, you are advised to maintain positive PDA balance in your account with us, to ensure delivery of seamless services of the terminal. Please note that the PDA balance should cover all applicable charges against your containers before the containers are handled by the terminal. As advised above, invoices shall only be released after 6th April 2020.

Your cooperation during the said transition is hereby solicited.


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