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Import Evacuation

Dear Valued Customers,

Greetings from APM Terminals Mumbai! 

The terminal has noticed a slowdown in evacuation of CFS, DPD, Empty imports since the evening of Saturday, 21st of Mar’ 2020. We wish to advise you that gates of the terminal are open and with adequate resources deployed we urge you to please arrange trucks to evacuate your laden / empty imports at the earliest.

Failure to do so risks congestion of the terminal yard thereby directly impacting quay side and gate activities. 

To assist those shipping lines that choose to change their mode of evacuation from road to Rail (example DRT or Navkar or any other rail head facility), GTI will waive off the applicable SOR item of code change till 31st of Mar’2020. Road to Rail change shall increase the applicable free time as well.

We request you to deploy more trucks to assist evacuation of imports or choose the rail mode.

Should you have any questions then kindly contact commercial team.



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