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COVID-19 Update: Customer Advisory

Dear Customer,

We would like to submit to you our latest update on the outbreak of COVID-19 and related impact on APM Terminals Liberia Ltd. and our service delivery.

General Status

As we indicated in our last communication to you. We are closely monitoring and reacting to the situation in Liberia as part of our strong commitment towards keeping our employees and stakeholders out of harm’s way while minimizing any possible impact to our operations and our ability to serve you.

We adhere to the advice and regulations from the local authorities and are doing our utmost to maintain business as usual while ensuring the health and safety of the people in our offices, and our terminal.

In an effort to enforce social distancing and ensure the safety of all Terminal users, and maintain business continuity, we have made some changes in our pilot booking procedure. All vessel agents and Shipping lines will do pilot booking online 24 hours before vessel arrival at anchorage.

Vessel Operations:

  • For Vessel operations, stevedore manpower and APM Terminals support staff will be slightly reduced with increased safety measures in place, but with very limited impact on vessel operations and performances.
  • With immediate effect, Pilot booking would be done electronically, using the form attached in the communication, under below conditions:
    • For berthing, the form must be submitted a minimum of one (1) calendar day before the expected movement time.
    • For sailing, form must be submitted a minimum of two (2) hours before the expected movement time.
    • All required supporting document, including NPA payment justification should be scanned and shared along with the form.
    • The provided form should be filled up and saved as a PDF file before submission. Only PDF file submissions will be accepted.

Cargo acceptance and storage:

  • Storage remain the same with increased safety measures in place but have no effect on the operations.
  • Cargo acceptance will be impacted by the new gate hours, but with very minimal impact expected on the gate operations and performances.

Cargo pick up & delivery:

  • Cargo pick up & delivery will be impacted by the new gate hours but with minimal impact expected on the gate operations and performances.
  • Gate opening and closing hours, will be amended as of April 6, 2020 as seen below:
    • There will be 2 lanes functional at the in-gate and 2 lanes functional at the out-gate permanently.
    • Gate hours from Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 19:00 (The last truck will gate in at 18:00)
    • Gate hours from Saturday: 09:00 to 17:00 (the last truck will gate in at 16:00)

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