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Nov 1-3 Gate Hours plus Import Appointments

After receiving input from drayage providers on extending gate hours, we  have taken that input and will make an adjustment in an attempt to flow cargo and allow drayage providers to be successful.  Monday through Wednesday of next week Nov 1 - 3, we will open the facility to all trucks at 6:40am.  Any drayage provider utilizing our extended orange pass option will gain access at 5:30am.   This will be Mon-Wed.  Thursday and Friday Nov 4 and 5 will have normal hours of 7am start (orange pass at 6am).  

Any drayage provider that would like to inquire on Orange Pass access can email MOBCS@APMTERMINALS.COM

In our efforts to flow import cargo and keep turn times low, we are asking that drayage providers enter their import pickups the day prior to pickup. This allows the terminal to action those pickups.  Drayage providers can adjust those import pickups and add drop offs at a later time allow normal operations by the drayage provider. 

Thank you,
APM Terminals - Mobile, AL 


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