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6/15 - 6/18 Change in Terminals Hours - June 19, 2020 Gate Closure Announcement


Tropical Storm Cristobal has a projected path into the US Gulf and the entire APM Terminals team has begun our normal preparations when a storm has potential landfall in our area. Please subscribe to terminal alerts to receive operational hour changes or urgent information via text message or email.

6/15 - 6/18 Change in Terminals Hours - June 19, 2020 Gate Closure Announcement

The terminal since May has operated with a schedule of 7am-4pm with the in-gate closing at 3pm. This schedule will continue through June 12.

The week of June 15th, the terminal will move to 7am-5pm with the in-gate closing at 4pm. June 19th will be a gate closure.  For transparency and planning for our terminal partners, this June 19th  closure is the only anticipated addition to our pre-published yearly gate closures/holidays.

Note: This year with 4th of July falling on a Saturday, the only gate closure will fall on Friday July 3 in observance of Independence Day. This 7/3 gate holiday was previously updated on our web site.

Gate hours/holidays can be found at here.


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