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Terminal Update

Reminder that Friday April 10, 2020 is a gate holiday. APM Terminals Mobile, AL gate holidays and updates to COVID19 operational hours can be found here.


The Mobile, AL team continues to find safety measures to help protect all those that interact daily with the terminal during the COVID19 issues. As orders to "stay at home" and curfews have been put in place, the APM Terminals HSSE staff had already met with local officials. Two weeks ago, local officials had agreed that the APM Terminals badge, that each employee and drayage driver uses, could be an identification as an essential worker.

Yard Grid

In 2018 and 2019 there have been several yard expansion projects.  Over that time, the yard roadways and container storage areas were added. We had several inputs from users of the terminal that the expansion areas were confusing. The terminal has gone through a re-grid.  We hope this is easier to understand and provides an easy to follow traffic pattern. This was fully implemented last week.  Any input, please provide to



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