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Gothenburg goods hub introduces unique logistics solution for optimised pulp exports

Thanks to the cooperation of the parties of the Gothenburg goods hub, a unique transhipment solution is now being introduced that optimises exports for the leading forest industry group Södra.

Forest products are one of Sweden’s most significant export products of all time – and the industry is doing better than ever. The next step is now being taken to optimise and stabilise the export process for Sweden's 'green gold'.

In collaboration with Mima Terminal and APM Terminals Gothenburg, Södra has taken the initiative to direct a new flow of paper pulp by sea between Mönsterås and the Port of Gothenburg in its efforts to support rapid volume growth.

"At Mima Terminal, we have all the necessary infrastructure in place to effectively containerise the paper bales at our facility, which is strategically located next to the APM Terminals quayside. We are very proud to be able to offer the industry yet another alternative to lorry transport at the port. In this case, Södra is a pioneer," explains Michael Bergman, CEO of Mima Terminal and Brian Bitsch, Commercial Manager for APM Terminals Gotheburg, adding:

"This is a completely new setup and proof that most things are possible when the partners of the Gothenburg goods hub collaborate closely. Together we offer an efficient and reliable solution, where the customer arrives at our quay with their own ship, Mima Terminal handles containerisation, and we at APM Terminals ensure that the goods reach the world market via our extensive network of lines."

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