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Why choose a short-sea solution?

Shipping plays a key role in effective and sustainable freight transportation within Europe and Sweden. Having surveyed market needs, APM Terminals has expanded its portfolio with a competitive short-sea solution for which there is great interest.

Container shipping within Europe is rising in importance and the market is increasingly demanding flexible and sustainable shipping from Gothenburg.

"As a global player with a strong local presence in the Nordic region as well as Europe, our experiences from previous short-sea solutions, such as in Denmark, have been positive. We are pleased to be able to match the needs of the Swedish market as well, while at the same time contributing to more goods being moved sustainably from road to sea and rail," says Dennis Olesen, Managing Director at APM Terminals Nordic.

Advantages of short-sea

  • High flexibility for those with varying logistics needs over time
  • An environmentally friendly alternative to road transport
  • High reliability, get your goods on time
  • A cost-effective solution with minimal risk of damaged good
  • Moves goods away from busy roads, reducing queuing, delays and accidents


Related newsAPM Terminals Gothenburg offers new sustainable short-sea solution