Our History
The National Government delegated the CVC (Corporación del Valle del Cauca) to manage the project that at that time was called “Buenaventura Development Plan” and which was later expanded to cover the entire Pacific coast under the name PLADEICOP.
In development of the PLAIDECOOP program, the CVC acquired a lot adjacent to the “El Aguacate” estuary for the construction of a fishing and logging dock since Buenaventura did not have a public infrastructure that would bring together the fishing activity of the sector. Unfortunately, the fishing dock subprogram was the only one that the CVC could not socialize due to several inconveniences that caused the project to be postponed indefinitely.
The CPI, “Industrial Port Complex”, was formed, a mixed company formed by the CVC, government entities and local investors that began to give a deeper vision to the possibilities of constructing a commercial and industrial complex with wide coverage.
The Pacific business group, GEPSA, entered as a partner of the CPI and dynamically promoted the essential bases of the organization, such as the project designs, the environmental license and the Concession Contract with the State, as well as the achievement of a strategic and commercial partner, which at the time was GRUP MARÍTIM TCB with whom the group of investors of the TCBUEN SA organization was completed and subsequently the construction and implementation of phase I of the project began with the endorsement of international banking.
Construction work began in August of this year and maritime operations began on January 27, 2011. The Sociedad Portuaria Terminal de Conteneres de Buenaventura SA, is located in commune No. 5, with an area of influence in the Miramar neighborhoods, Santa Fe, Inmaculada, Santa Cruz and Punta del Este with whom good relations have been generated since the beginning of the project, through: Property acquisition and resettlement plan, mangrove compensation plan and fishermen's compensation plan. During the first phase, more than 900 jobs were generated in the construction stage.
The Terminal has a Port concession and is enabled as a Warehouse and Public Port, Special Permanent Free Zone for Services, likewise, it has all the regulatory permits to offer the port service to Colombian Foreign Trade.
To finance the project, international banks financed 70% of the investment. Among the financiers are: Banco West LB-Germany, Banco Espírito de Santo, Portugal, IFC, CIFI and CAMIF. The total investment in the project amounted to 238 million dollars, of which 75.8 million dollars were invested in the dredging of the channel, which was carried out by the company Jan de Nul of Belgium, in which a mixed suction technique was combined. and cut. The construction company Colpatria was involved in the civil works and 40 million dollars were invested in port equipment.
TCBUEN began with the Phase II project that aimed to expand storage capacity, going from 338,000 to 650,000 TEUS/year. This investment was financed by International Banking plus own funds for a total amount of 156 million dollars. The work was completed in 2015 by the Mota Engil Colombia SAS Consortium – C3 Construcciones y Contratos SAS – Constructora CRP SAS
APM Terminals acquired the company GRUP MARITIM TCB, which together with GEPSA holds 90% of the Company's share capital.
As of April 27, the Private Capital Fund, Colombian Infrastructure Equity Fund – CIEF, managed by Colombia Infrastructure Partners – CIP, joins as one of our sponsors.