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Dear customers, please be informed that our online applications will be unavailable on Friday, 21st February 2025, from 15:00 to 20:00 hours due to system downtime for periodic maintenance. We kindly request that you avoid scheduling during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. To receive updates via email or SMS, please subscribe to Terminal Alerts.

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Enhancements to the ASR page on our Website

With the objective of improving ease of doing business for our shipping line customers, we are pleased to advise that we will be carrying out the following enhancements to the “Additional Service Requests (ASR)” page on our website:

  • Name of page will be changed to “Ancillary Services”.
  • This page will have a provision for:
    • Processing Additional Service Requests (ASR).
    • Accessing and confirming Terminal Departure Reports (TDR).
    • Submission of Empty Recap for Outbound Vessels.

These changes are expected to take effect from Sunday 24th January 2021. Once implemented all shipping agents are expected to use this feature to submit the Empty Recap for their vessels, as the practice of receiving Empty Recap through e-mails will be discontinued. 

You may access “Ancillary Services” by clicking the below link:

Thanking you for your continued support. 

Sincerely Yours, 


Terminal Alerts

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