APM Terminals Algeciras supports 15 projects in the eleventh edition of its Social Action Awards
APM Terminals Algeciras has gathered today the people involved in the eleventh edition of the Social Action Awards in a ceremony in which sponsors, employees and representatives of the associations have shared an emotional morning in the terminal in which the work of the groups and the value of the projects they lead, located in the Campo de Gibraltar, have been rewarded.
During the event, the representatives of the 15 awarded associations received a symbolic cheque of the contribution granted by the company, which totals 45,000 euros in this edition. ‘For eleven years now we have been funnelling the help that APM Terminals can offer via the Social Action Awards, and for us it continues to be a very special moment, which allows us to recognise and support the important work that you carry out,’ declared Javier Sáez, director of Institutional and Labour Relations of APM Terminals in Spain, during the event, in which Eduardo Sánchez, director of Labour Relations and Communication of APM Terminals Algeciras, thanked the involvement of the sponsors in each edition of the awards.
The awarded groups have been Acuarela Youth Association (Salesians of La Línea), to support their educational support project for children from families at risk of exclusion; Barrio Vivo, for the purchase of material for their school support workshops for children in the southern area of Algeciras; FAEM, to help them in the maintenance of their psychology workshop; the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer's Patients, for the purchase of digital touch screens; Fibromyalgia Association AFICAGI, for support guides and promotional material used at information desks; Prolibertas, for the renovation of equipment for 2 training classrooms for socio-labour inclusion; the Brotherhood of Nuestra Señora del Rocío, to defray the costs of summer camps for children.
In addition, Asociación de Familiares de Alzheimer Barreño, for the purchase of 2 virtual reality glasses to work on cognitive stimulation; Asociación Nacional del Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos e Hiperlaxitud, to cover the purchase of material to give visibility to the association and raise funds for research; Asociación Niños de Ucrania y Andalucía, to help with the costs of a bus to evacuate 40 refugee minors; Asociación Pelucas Solidarias de Ucrania y Andalucía, to help with the costs of a bus to evacuate 40 refugee minors; Asociación Pelucas Solidarias de Andalucía, to provide material free of charge to people affected; Grupo de Autoayuda para el Proceso de Duelo, for psychological treatment for the death of children; the Ronald McDonald Foundation, to repair a facility that benefits 114 families; and the Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Algeciras, for the repair of the roof of the parish halls.
Solidarity breakfast
On the other hand, APM Terminals Algeciras has celebrated this week a new edition of its traditional Solidarity Breakfast. In total, thanks to the colleagues who have prepared their delicacies to share them in the cafeteria, plus the donation made by those who tasted them and the contribution made by the company, it has been possible to help one more year with 600 euros to the association Reyes Magos for the purchase of toys for children in the Campo de Gibraltar.
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