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Easier and smoother veterinary container pickup

APM Terminals Aarhus, in collaboration with the Port of Aarhus and Border Control, has introduced a new setup for pickup of veterinary containers. The new setup means that the container is inspected in advance and ready to be pulled directly from the terminal, without an extra stop at veterinary border inspection.

The veterinary border control is a key factor to ensure animal products from outside EU entering Denmark are safe and meeting the specific import requirements. Since February 20, APM Terminals Aarhus and Port of Aarhus in collaboration with Border Control have established a direct access between APM Terminals and the inspection area of the Border Control.

With this new process, import containers with veterinary cargo are inspected and ready before they are released to the trucking company. Transportation between the inspection area and the container terminal is carried out by APM Terminals.

Saves time, eliminate risks and optimizes the inspection process

This new rearrangement of logistics does not only save time for the truck driver, but also ensures that all containers are inspected and thus handled and imported legally according to current regulations. In addition, the inspection can be done more efficiently and optimized than before, as a container now can be pulled for control as soon as it has arrived at the quay and the documents are in order.

”The flow is now more continuous and smoother, and we no longer have to wait for containers to arrive to our inspection area, which optimizes the handling”, says Christina Würtz at Border Control in the Port of Aarhus.

Container Terminal Illustration

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