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Please note: On Friday, Feb 7th, all operations at the terminal will be paused from 12.00h to approx.13.00h due to summoned meeting among dockworkers. Gate will close at hrs 11.15 to ensure trucks inside the terminal are served in due time. We will inform as soon as operations can restart. We are sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.  To receive future Alerts via email or SMS, please subscribe to Terminal Alerts.

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Customer Update-2/9

Dear all,

As part of the global supply chain, we at APM Terminals Aarhus currently see greater demand and significantly higher volumes than normally during this time of year. We see an increase in import
volumes, empty container flow and increased dwell times for containers at the terminal. 

There is an increasing risk of bottleneck in the container supply chain as warehouses fill up and dwell time increasing forcing us to take action to keep the terminal fluid and maintain operations.

Therefore, in order to safely sustain the container flows through the terminal, while delivering the fastest and most efficient service possible under these circumstances , we need to restrict delivery to the terminal. To further assist us in maintaining operational efficiency, we continue to ask for your full support with following critical points:

  • Drop off full export containers as late as possible, not earlier than 3 days before planned vessel departure. This is to create space to make optimal use of the yard.
  • Pick up full import containers as soon as possible, and soonest possible upon discharge at Aarhus terminal. The more containers that are picked up, the more efficient flows and higher level of services we will be able to offer.
  • As force majeure measurement, we will effectively 5th of September (until further notice) have to decline accepting inbound flows of empty DRY containers to the terminal (except terminal warehouse containers). Situation will be evaluated on daily basis and updates will be sent out.

If the situation does not improve during the next days, we will also have to restrict the gate in possibility for dry full export containers.

The gate is currently under very high pressure (in particularly between 12.00-17.00), where approx. 65 % of the containers are handled. Spreading out the pick-up and drop-off times will secure a more efficient flow and drive a decrease in truck turnaround, at the benefit of all parties.

Noting the forecasted higher than usual demand for the coming weeks, your co-operation and patience is much appreciated. Please be assured that we are doing everything possible to handle your cargo as efficiently as possible and appreciate your business and support.

Thank you in advance,
APM Terminal Aarhus


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